Hispanic Heritage Month Spotlight: Christian Mireles

Sept. 15 - Oct. 15 is National Hispanic Heritage month. During this time, it is important to acknowledge the influence and contribution that Hispanic culture and achievements have had in the United States. We are proud of our Hispanic athletes and will be highlighting them throughout the month. We asked hispanic varsity athlete Christian Mireles about his culture and experience.
YEAR: Sophomore
ESPORT: Overwatch
MAJOR: Software Engineering
Q: What inspired you to become a varsity athlete?
A: I’ve been playing Overwatch since 2017, in my freshman year of high school. I really loved how it played and seeing gameplay at the highest level like the Overwatch League felt like watching art being made in front of me. Since then, I have been working to get into the esports scene and UArizona Esports was the perfect opportunity for me, especially being a freshman in college when the program started.
Q: Do you have any role models that inspire you at school or at home?
A: In my personal life, I have always looked up to my father. He was a fantastic role model and raised me to be the person I am today. I am even following his footsteps and studying in the field of engineering!
Q: Have you experienced any challenges in school? How did you overcome them?
A: Of course! I have struggled with anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember and during the spring semester last year, I was in a severe downward spiral. Thankfully, I had a fantastic support system in my family, and I could always look forward to going to the Esports Arena to practice with fellow varsity athletes who I have come to befriend and trust. Since that semester, I have made it a personal goal to improve myself both mentally and physically by going to therapy, working out, and getting out more to talk to new people.
Q: Tell me about your family and community growing up.
A: I grew up in the Midwest and being the only Hispanic kid in school was a little jarring. In a state where the spiciest thing there is black pepper, there was not a lot of Hispanic representation and culture present. I’d like to think I lived a very sheltered life, but it led me to learn how to be courteous and kind. Spending the rest of my childhood out in Arizona was a drastic change, but it was a welcome one where I could see much more diversity and representation than ever. I got to learn new things not just about the world, but about myself. It made me proud of my heritage living in Arizona.
Q: What does being part of the Hispanic community mean to you?
A: Growing up, I feel like I repressed my heritage and just tried to blend in. However, after experiencing the culture and being surrounded by the Hispanic community in Arizona, I have come to appreciate and become proud of who I am. It gave me confidence and pride when I met extended family or when I was able to tell others that I was Hispanic. It might not seem significant to others, but as someone who neglected their heritage for years, it meant a lot to me when I was surrounded by Hispanic culture.
Q: Has being Hispanic influenced the way you approach your studies or esports?
A: I think being Hispanic provides a different perspective in what I read and study. The beauty of esports and collaborative work in general is that you have people from many different backgrounds with many different ideologies. With esports especially, I feel like I am heard when I give input on a team-based decision or an idea for what we can do next. It allows me to be much more open and honest to others, which I think is a vital trait to have in a field like this.
Q: What are your goals for after graduation?
A: Being a sophomore, I have no clue what I want to do once I graduate. My primary goal is to find a profession that can possibly combine my love of software and technology with my passion for video games and esports. I’m just getting started, but I can’t wait to see what happens next.
Q: Anything else you would like to share? Stay hydrated, don’t forget to take your meds, and bear down!