Elijah "Howdy" Parent


Major: Game Design

Minor: Computer Science

Year in School: Sophomore


Hometown: Nashua, New Hampshire



Main Vehicle


Elijah "Howdysportsfans" Parent


Elijah Parent has played Rocket League since he was 12 years old, introduced with a good friend. Elijah shares the communication in Rocket League with his activities in Rock Climbing. His Rock Climbing time evolved to climbing competitively, where communicating was a top priority. Elijah seems communication to be very effective between both Rocket League and his other competitions. Elijah puts a lot of effort into playing around his teammate's unique playstyles and strengths. Elijah is also talented in solving a rubiks cube fast (best solve of 8.8 seconds, 13 second average of 5) and playing bass guitar.


Elijah has plans to work in the Gaming Industry after College, either programming or designing games. He spends a lot of his freetime doing personal work in game development to further his skills. He'd also be interested in other roles in Esports/Games if they fit his expertise.



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